⅞” foam dielectric () Details
⅞” foam dielectric
We can supply a range of coaxial cables to connect between our units and the associated antenna. The best coax for any given situation is a compromise between cost, weight, power handling, power loss and many other factors.
Any coax connected between a transmitter and antenna will lose power. The longer the cable run, the greater the loss. In extreme cases, the power loss can be so significant that broadcast coverage is affected. In addition, any given coax will have a maximum power that it can safely carry, and this maximum power gets lower with increased operating frequency.
Generally speaking, thicker coax has a lower loss and higher power handling capability than thinner coax. However, thicker cables are more expensive and more difficult to install than thinner cables.
We therefore offer a range of cables, the thinnest and cheapest being RG213 and thickest/most expensive being 7/8th inch foam dielectric cable. We can advise the best choice for your particular application.
In addition to coax we offer grounding kits. These are fitted to the coax and are essential for good lightning protection. The kit used must match the size of cable used.